My more recent public post for my full-time employer. Considering the usual reach of our social media and that I just started working on developing more engaging posts since December, quite happy with this organic reach – $0 to pay for placement on boosts. Proof that creativity and content can be enough!

Times like these with bare freezer cases and empty shelves of paper products and medicines acutely remind us of the importance of what we do. We, as a dealer committed to selling, servicing, and providing parts for trucks, are a vital link in the supply chain that keeps the economy and nation going. Men and women in manufacturing pulling extra shifts to make more products, brokers and agents working to secure and place loads, drivers working tirelessly to get much-needed freight to its destination without delay, and hourly retail workers being swarmed for products as quickly as they stock it. We are all in this together. Be kind to one another. Have compassion. Thank a trucker because, after all, trucks bring it.